Heyo! Been a while, hasn’t it?
It’s no secret: social media is bullshit and everything sucks even harder now, possibly forever. I also want to get quicker and better at writing, and I’m tired of trying to bend my thoughts into shapes other people’s websites demand. SO: this year, I’m gonna try blowing the dust off this blog and posting long-form again, about art I’ve enjoyed (or not enjoyed) recently as well as life events and whatever else passes through my mind. I don’t want this to turn into a chore, so let me phrase things as “it will be nice if I can do one post a week about something”. Not required, just nice. Also I’m not doing character minimums or anything like that; this is a casual pursuit, not a meat grinder.
If you like what I write, feel free to comment! It’d be a nice change from the eleven billion Russian bots spamming dick pill ads into my inbox. I’ll also be crossposting these to my Cohost page, since that’s really the only social media site I still use regularly anymore that respects long-form posts, but if you’re reading this here then you’re getting The Full Experience. Feel free to add me to your RSS feed, too, if you’re a freak for that kind of thing. Cheers and enjoy!